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As part of the continued training and support we give to our young people, Development days are run on a regular basis.  Trying to keep them as informal as possible but with the emphasis on getting the job done!

Here is a sample of the type of day our young people have, while paying a key role in improving the services we offer:

Development Day

 Tuesday 24th July 2012

Helenslea Hall


Young grant makers present

David Weir, Daryl Campbell, Kimberly Wallace, Danica Burrows, Danielle McGuiness, Natlie McLachlan, Shannon Stewart, Kayleigh Finnighan, Melissa Cairns, Kimberly Doyle, Annie Kennedy, Hana Hailu, Amina Indrees and Nico Cunningham.


After playing some games and having some fun we got straight to work






First on the agenda was an update on the last grant giving session on 18th July 2012.  It was then discussed that we need to ensure that we stick to the  budget for the year.  We also agreed that we need to be strict about completing all parts of the form and ensuring applications meet with all the cirteria.  It was agreed that we need to change interview recording sheet.  As sound lab were unable to attend Danica, Kimberly and Melissa volunteered to come along to Fuse on Monday and carry out the interview.

From 11am till 12 noon the young people worked with Anne from H4U.  Anne provided information and hand outs on the type of applications they are looking for.  Anne explained scenarios to give everyone an example of the ideal type of applications.   YoMo provided Anne with two recent applications for a zumba class and circuit training to check if these were appropriate applications for the H4U fund and it was advised that these were ideal.

The upcoming residential in October was discussed – where it was revealed that there will be 4-6 available.  Those who need a young grant making qualification should be eager to attend.

Prior to lunch Michelle advised on room allocations and the activities that we would take part in during the residential to the Scottish Borders.  It was agreed that we would go to Moffat on the Sunday for the sheep race and fishing.

Everyone completed a code of cunduct for both trips and handed them back. 


We then sat at the table for a bite to eat.

It Hungery work all this decision making




After lunch we played another game before getting down to work

We discussed an upcoming the trip to M&D’s on and It was agreed that we would meet at Fuse Youth Café at 10.30am ready for the trip to M&D’s. (remember waterproofs).


The young people then got into 3 different groups.

Group 1 worked on a press release for the health fund.

Group 2 looked at new names and a logo.

Group 3 looked at how we are going to manage the budget.

 After the discussions and workshops – the follow actions need to be followed up by the attendees:

Make changes to interview recording sheet e.g. more space to fill in answers. 

  1. When interviewing young people need to more strict about what they are funding and insuring they complete all parts of the application. 
  2. When emails are sent to applicants they must advise that there will be no funding unless all the information is complete on application forms.
  3. Complete press release for H4U fund.
  4. Need to decide who will attend the residential in October and can get the young grant making training. 
  5. A new Logo will be designed


Our next update will keep you informed on how the actions are coming along……..